Welcome to ELLDo!


Welcome to Empirical Linguistics and Language Documentation (acronym: ELLDo), a MA programme at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Linguistics at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland.

We are exited to meet this year’s candidates in our interviews! All registered candidates who have uploaded their documents and paid the registration fee will be invited to an online interview (= entrance exam) in the last week of August. The goal of this interview/exam is to pick those candidates that are most interested in and most suited for the study of ELLDo. Two or three professors of ELLDo will ask you questions such as the following:

  • What does “linguistics” mean? (We want to hear your personal definition or description, not any definition Google or ChatGPT would give)
  • What fields or questions of linguistics do you find most interesting?
  • How do you understand “empirical linguistics”?
  • On which language or languages would you like to work during your studies? (This may be your mother tongue, a foreign language you learned or one you will start learning, or a group of languages you are interested in.)
  • How do you think you can use what you will learn during this master program after your final exam? (In a job or otherwise.)

This entrance exam is not about your knowledge of facts but about your general understanding of linguistics and of what you want to achieve with these studies. We also test how well you understand our questions and are able to answer in English on a level of at least B2. Candidates who have not studied linguistics before, or who studied linguistics in a language other than English, are encouraged to read an introduction to linguistics in English.

Here is a summary of the enrollment dates 2024:
Registration in the system: 1.6.-20.08.2024.
Please note that 20.08.2024 is also the latest date to pay the registration fee and to upload all necessary documents. If you fail to do so by this date, your application will not be considered further.
Interviews (called “entrance exams”): 26.-30.08.2024
Results: 02.09.2024

We look forward to your applications!

For practical questions not related to the study program (accomodation, health insurance, etc.) please read the information on the website of the Welcome Centre, or contact the persons named there.


The ELLDo team can only answer questions related to the content and organization of ELLDo! Before you write to us, make sure the answer to your question cannot be found on the pages of this website.

e l l d o at amu.edu.pl

You are also invited to our facebook page. However, unfortunately we do not have the capacities to update it regularly.