
The teachers in this programme are experienced researchers working at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (AMU) at the Institute of Applied Linguistics, the Chair of Oriental Studies and the Chair of Scandinavian Studies.

Previous cooperation among members of the staff includes the development of an educational website teaching about linguistic diversity and language documentation (http://languagesindanger.eu/) and the compilation of a data base presenting lesser used languages that constitute Poland’s linguistic heritage (http://www.inne-jezyki.amu.edu.pl. Currently, many of us participate in the project COLING – Minority Languages, Major Opportunities. Collaborative Research, Community Engagement and Innovative Educational Tools.

Nicole Nau is professor of Baltic languages and general linguistics at the Chair of Scandinavian Studies. Her research interests include grammar in spoken and written texts, language typology, language contact, language documentation and the language of fairy tales.

Maciej Karpiński is university professor at the Institute of Applied Linguistics. His research focuses on phonetics (especially prosody), multimodal communication, and psycholinguistics. His many further interests include the relationship between language and music. More information on his homepage.

Krzysztof Stroński
is a university professor at the Chair of Oriental Studies and head of the Department of South Asian Studies. His main areas of research interest are: historical and typological linguistics with a focus on historical syntax of Indo-Aryan languages. He has carried out field work in Northern India in Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and in Uttar Pradesh. Find additional information on his homepage.

Researching German Sprachinseln in Russian AltaiTomasz Wicherkiewicz is a university professor at the Chair of Oriental Studies and head of the Department of Language Policy & Minority Studies. His research and pragmatic interests include sociolinguistics, language planning and language policy, language endangerment and language revitalization. He has carried out fieldwork projects among minority and regional language communities in various regions of Europe and Asia. Find additional information on his homepage.

Katarzyna Klessa is a university professor at the Institute of Applied Linguistics and specializes in technical aspects of language documentation – from recording to annotating and archiving spoken language. Particularly interested in designing and building tools and resources for the needs of analysis of speech prosody and paralinguistic features of speech such as emotion expression or personal speaker traits. See more at her homepage and at the Annotation Pro website.

Ewa Jarmołowicz-Nowikow (PhD). Assisstant Professor at the Institute of Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Modern Languages, Adam Mickiewicza University in Poznań. Her research interests focus on multimodal analysis, in particular its non-verbal dimension. She has taken part in several research projects on multimodal discourse analysis, in which she was responsible for annotation and analysis of nonverbal behaviour. Her publications concentrate on nonverbal aspects of communication from a developmental and cultural perspectives, and on the role of gesture.

Victoria Kamasa  (PhD)  Assisstant Professor at the Institute of Linguistics. She is interested in discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, and in methodology of research in the humanities. She uses and teaches quantitative and qualitative methods of linguistic research.

Jowita Niewulis  (PhD)  Assisstant Professor at the Institute of Applied Linguistics. She is interested in sociolinguistics, language documentation and endangerment, dialectology, phonetics and phonology.