Additional lecture: Language policy and language planning

Spring term 2022
Wednesday, 17:15-18:45, online
Start 9.03.2022
30 contact hours
Lecturer: Tomasz Wicherkiewicz

Course description

The course in Language Policy and Language Planning (LPP) will be about both the theoretical foundations of language policy as research discipline and pragmatic aspects of language planning.

The students will be presented language planning domains (corpus, status, acquisition), models and programs – case studies from around the globe.

Knowledge on specific aspects of language planning: e.g. state language planning policies, revitalization programs of/for endangered languages, minority language maintenance programs will be provided.

Topics of individual classes

  1. Basic terminology in LPP
  2. Language policy as practice and scholarly discipline
  3. Language corpus planning and management
  4. Language status planning and management
  5. Planning and management of language prestige & attitudes.
  6. State and non-state language planning.
  7. Language acquisition planning and management
  8. National/state language policies – case studies from around the globe.
  9. Language planning and writing system(s)
  10. Language in public space / Linguistic landscape
  11. Minority language planning
  12. Endangered languages – planning and revitalization programs.
  13. Language revival

Teaching method: lecture with discussion; assigned reading with study questions; case studies

Assessment: Final test

Selected literature

– Ferguson, Gibson 2006. Language Planning and Education. Edinburgh University Press.

– Fishman, Joshua (ed.) 1999. Handbook of Language & Ethnic Identity. Oxford University Press.

– Haugen, Einar 1966. Language conflict and language planning: the case of Modern Norwegian. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

– Hult, Francis M. & David Cassels Johnson (eds.) 2015. Research methods in language policy and planning: practical guide. Wiley-Blackwell.

– Kaplan B., Robert & Richard B. Baldauf 1997. Language Planning from Practice to Theory. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

– Liddicoat, Anthony J. & Richard B. Baldauf (eds.) 2008. Language Planning in Local Contexts. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

– Nahir, Moshe 2003. “Language Planning Goals: A Classification”, in: Christina Bratt Paulston & G. Richard Tucker (eds.) Sociolinguistics: The Essential Readings. Oxford: Blackwell.

– Ricento, Thomas (ed.) 2009. Language Policy. Theory and Method. Blackwell Publishing.

– Spolsky, Bernard 2009. Language Management. Cambridge University Press.

– Wiley, Terrance G. 2003. “Language Planning and Policy,” in: Sandra McKay & Nancy H. Horberger (eds.). Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press. Pp 103-147.